Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Kim Hyun Joong Braves The Waves On Barefoot Friends

Wow !!! Riding gondola is so cool.. And our Leader is so brave, he is not scare at all.. We proud of you, Leader !!! I’m sure if it was me who ride that gondola, I must be scare to dead hehehe ^^ 

“Kim Hyun Joong Braves The Waves On Barefoot Friends”

Kim Hyun Joong took a brave step forward on the latest episode of SBS’ travel variety program, ‘Barefoot Friends’.

During their voyage in Indonesia, the cast members traveled to a remote island to try and capture some of the famed Indonesian rock shrimp. However, along the way, they encountered a perilous cable car journey between two rocky outcrops. Traveling between two flimsy ropes above a whirlpool-filled ocean, the members had to pull the car themselves to get across the ocean.

Despite what looked like a treacherous crossing, Kim Hyun Joong volunteered to be the first one up to bat. Greeting the camera, he stoically said, “Thank you to everyone who followed Kim Hyun Joong for the past years”, before taking a figurative leap of faith on the cable.

Although afraid at first, the entrancing vista of the ocean waves and the horizon soon pushed any fear from his mind as he whooped in surprise. “The view is incredible,” he told his fellow team members once he had safely crossed. “It’s not that hard.” 

“Kim Hyun Joong Berani Menantang Ombak di 'Barefoot Friends”

Kim Hyun Joong dikenal sebagai salah satu aktor yang tak kenal takut dan menyukai tantangan. Di salah satu episode "Barefoot Friends", aktor serial "Boys Before Flower" ini menawarkan diri menjadi yang pertama kali menyebrangi pulau. Saat itu, mereka tengah menjalani syuting di Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Padahal ia harus menyebranginya melewati laut dengan ombak yang sangat deras. Lucunya, Hyun Joong sempat berpamitan pada fans-fansnya sebelum menyebrang. "Terima kasih pada semua orang yang mendukung Kim Hyun Joong selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini," ujarnya ke arah kamera.

Meski awalnya sangat takut, namun Hyun Joong mengaku menikmatinya. Bintang "Playful Kiss" dan “Boys Before Flowers” ini mengungkapkan pemandangannya sangat bagus sehingga membuatnya tak takut lagi.

"Pemandangannya sangat luar biasa," ungkap Hyun Joong. "Sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit," ungkapnya setelah berhasil menyebrang pada teman-temannya.

Credit : Wowkeren

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