Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

KBS Rejected Kim Hyun Joong’s “City Conquest’ For So Much Violence

    NO !!! THIS IS REALLY SAD !!! IT’ S NOT FAIR for Our Dearest Leader, Kim Hyun Joong.. KBS is already made a decision to decline this series.. Even after 4 meeting and Media Back also replaced their screenwriters and actors, and edited their scripts. KBS still decided that City Conquest is not very competitive, and contains too much violence as well as other issues unfit to air in a public broadcasting channel. This is why they made the decision to deny it a time slot. 

     Aaarrrggghhh !!! I Really want to sream now !! Kim Hyun Joong has been working hard for this series and now what, KBS decided to cancel this series.. Poor Leader !! I know you must be really sad, right Hyun Joong ?? Don’t worry Leader, we are Triple S will always support you no matter what happened T___T

“ KBS Rejected Kim Hyun Joong’s 'City Conquest’ For So Much Violence “

KBS and Media Baek, production company of the drama City Conquest, have entered a conflict over the reason the channel will not yield a time slot to the drama. Media Back has been saying the channel isn′t yielding for political reasons, while KBS has strongly denied the claims.

Media Baek said through a press release on January 31, "The executives of the KBS drama center said the reason we were not given a time slot was because, though the quality of the drama′s content and its business value is high, its violence does not fit the mood of the launch of Korea′s new government."

City Conquest is about the lead Baek Mir′s fight against the social evils that led his family to ruin.

It added, "We listened to the opinions of the executives while we tried to reach an agreement on the issue, and replaced our screenwriters and actors, and edited our scripts despite the loss it brought to our production costs. Soon after, however, a new president was appointed to KBS and he replaced the drama center executives, after which we were told through an unofficial route, as if they were tossing us aside, that we would not be getting a time slot."

It then touched on the issue of the drama Iron King, saying, "The issue of the drama Iron King, which sparked much debate before the Presidential elections last year, has been brought up again in the time slot discussions, showing that [the channel] is trying too hard to show its loyalty to the new government. City Conquest′s deadline to get a time slot was to last through 2013, but the sudden new decisions that were made at the first meeting with the new executives show that KBS is being tyrannical. We also wish to question whether the new executives of the drama center are qualified to work for KBS, which is supposed to be a public broadcasting system."

Iron King had previously been pitched into a giant controversy regarding its subject matter, as it seemed the drama would glorify former President Park Chung Hee, the father of current President-elect Park Geun Hye, as its story unravelled.

Media Baek then added that the drama had already signed a contract to be sold at a hefty amount to Japan, and that it was expected to draw more profit and attention from a variety of countries around the world, supporting the competitive edge the drama has.

KBS soon answered the press release with a notice of its own, posting its stance on its official webpage.

The channel said, "We have held four meetings regarding the issue of City Conquest, and looked over it with care. We have continuously asked the drama for feedback on its quality, following our decision to wait before giving it a time slot."

It added, "After looking through the recent scenario and plot, however, we have decided that it is not very competitive, and contains too much violence as well as other issues unfit to air in a public broadcasting channel. This is why we made the decision to deny it a time slot."

KBS then mentioned that in an initial document handed to the producers, which showed KBS intended to allot a time slot to the drama, it was specifically stated that a time slot would be denied if the script turned out to be uncompetitive. It added it would take strict measures against the claims taken up on the part of Media Baek that defamed the channel.

City Conquest stars Kim Hyun Joong, and is based on a Korean manga of the same title.

Photo credit: Media Baek
Credit : enewsworld.mnet.com

Indonesia Translation :

“ KBS Menolak City Conquest karena Mengandung Banyak Unsur Kekerasan “

Seperti yang sudah dikabarkan sebelumnya, City Conquest terancam tidak akan ditayangkan di beberapa chanel televisi besar karena alasan biaya produksi  yang terlalu mahal. Namun baru-baru ini kejadian tersebut ternyata membuahkan konflik antara perusahaan produksi drama (Media Baek) dengan salah satu saluran televisi Korea yaitu KBS.
KBS dan Media Baek, rumah Produksi yang memproduksi City Conquest, sedang menghadapi konflik karena tidak diberikannya jam tayang oleh pihak stasiun televisi. Media Baek berkata bahwa KBS tidak memberikan hak siarnya karena disebabkan oleh isu Politik, sementara itu pihak KBS menyangkal dan mengatakan bahwa masalah ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan isu Politik, melainkan lebih kepada biaya produksi.

Dilansir dari enews, melalui siaran pers pada tanggal 31 Januari Media Baek mengatakan, "Para Pejabat KBS mengatakan alasan drama kami tidak diberikan jam tayang adalah karena, kekerasan yang tidak sesuai dengan iklim politik di Korea sekarang, meskipun kualitas konten dan nilai bisnis dari drama ini tinggi"

Mereka menambahkan "Kami sudah mendengarkan pendapat para pejabat eksekutif, kami juga sudah mencoba untuk mencapai kesepakatan masalah dengan menggantikan penulis skenario, aktor, naskah dan cerita diedit meskipun harus menanggung kerugian biaya produksi. Setelah itu ternyata Presiden baru yang diangkat KBS yang menggantikan bagian pusat eksekutif drama, seolah-olah telah melempar kita dan kita tidak akan diberikan jam tayang lagi"

Pihak Media Baek kemudian membandingkan City Conquest dengan drama sebelumnya Iron King yang mempunyai cerita hampir sama memiliki banyak sentimen kepada pemerintahan namun bisa ditayangkan di Korea. Meskipun sebelumnya juga sama, drama Iron King menuai kontroversi tentang alur ceritanya yang penuh intrik politik.

Mendengar pernyataan dari Media Baek, pihak KBS langsung menjawab melalui halaman website mereka. Mereka mengatakan "Kami sudah mengadakan pertemuan empat mata tentang masalah City Conquest, dan mendiskusikannya dengan hati-hati. Kami terus-menerus meminta umpan balik pada kualitas sebelum memberikan slot waktu. Setelah melihat melalui skenario dan plot, kami memutuskan bahwa drama itu sangat tidak kompetitif, berisi terlalu banyak kekerasan serta isu-isu lain yang tidak layak ditayangkan untuk umum. Ini adalah alasan kenapa kita membuat keputusan untuk menolak slot waktu tayang"

KBS kemudian menyebutkan bahwa dalam dokumen awal yang diberikan kepada produsen juga berisi pernyataan bahwa slot waktu akan ditolak jika script tidak kompetitif. Mereka juga menegaskan akan mengambil tindakan yang tegas terhadap klaim yang diambil oleh Media Baek terhadap pernyataan mereka.

City Conquest di bintangi oleh Kim Hyun Joong dan diangkat dari Manga Korea dengan judul yang sama.

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