Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

UEE and Joo Won Say In Chorus, “You made My Heart Race”

I really like how UEE works hard at everything she does! I never knew any of the After School members until UEE helped them gain popularity. People mention her figure a lot but I like that she works hard at acting and variety shows and is close with her dad and the other Five Girls members.. And because of her too, I watched Ojakgyo Brothers series and NOW I’m Falling In Love with Tae Hee and Ja Eun Couple.. They looks so cute together.. I know I was late but I just watched this drama recently.. Hope I can see them together again on some project cause I Hate when I see Joo Won always give compliment to his co-star, especially when he said that Choi Kang Hee as his best partner.. Haaahhh,, how I hate this girl so much..

UEE and Joo Won Say In Chorus, “You made My Heart Race”

Joo Won and UEE, who appear on KBS’s series Ojakgyo Brothers, recently said that they were thrilled by each other.

Actors, including, Joo Won, UEE, Jung Woong In, Jeon Mi Sun, Ryu Soo Young, Choi Jung Yoon, and Song Sun Mi from the series will appear in the February 16 episode of KBS’s Happy Together 3.

When the actors recorded the show, UEE said, “When I was shooting a scene where I had to put a tie on Joo Won, he made my heart race.”

Jung Woong In said, “When actor Jung Seok Won played a cameo role in the series as Joo Won’s rival who likes UEE, Joo Won was angry from jealousy.” Then Jeon Mi Sun said, “I asked Joo Won what he thinks about dating UEE.”

When UEE danced Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” on the show, Joo Won was shy to the point that he couldn’t even look at her while she danced and this made the entire crew curious.
The show will air the special episode about the series and actors on February 16 at 11:15 p.m.

Source: TV Report

Joo Won – Choi Kang Hee, NOTHING HAPPENED Between Them

I LOVE YOUR ANALYSIS, vampieloveblood.blogspot.com.. Yeah right, since I’m a Tae Hee and Ja Eun shipper, I really didnt like Joo Won said he choose Choi Kang Hee as His BEST Drama Partner, I really want him to said that “Uee is HIS BEST PARTNER !!!”, NOT CHOI KANG HEE !! For me, Choi Kang Hee is really looks old when she is stand beside Joo Won.. Yeah, the fact is Choi Kang Hee is born 1977, she is 10 YEARS OLDER than Joo Won.. And to be honest, I still thinking that Uee is HIS BEST PARTNER.. Why ?? Because they looks so cute together !!! In other interview, Joo Won and Uee also said that they would dating each other if they have a chance.. So poor that Uee is an idol and she cannot dating someone right now *Sigh* But no matter what the relationship they have right now, as long as Joo Won never dating Choi Kang Hee, it doesnt matter for me.. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I dislike Kang Hee. But really, Choi Kang Hee is really looks so old when she stand beside Joo Won.. She better choose the other guy with the same age with her.. And bravo, the news rumours said Choi Kang Hee already have a boyfriend now.. I’M SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT !!! CONGRATULATION KANG HEE UNNIE !!! Joo Won Is not for you, cause he belongs to My Uee hehehehe =) *Shipper mode on*

“Joo Won – Choi Kang Hee, NOTHING HAPPENED Between Them”

Terima kasih sekali lagi untuk analisis anda yang luar biasa.. Jujur, mendengar Joo Won lebih memilih Choi Kang Hee sebagai partner terbaiknya dan bukan Uee, benar-benar membuatku kesal.. Why Choi Kang Hee ?? Dia terlalu tua untuk Joo Won.. Mungkin jika yang dipilihnya Moon Chae Won atau Jin Seo Yeon, masih bisa kuterima, karena perbedaan umur mereka tidak terlalu banyak, tapi kalau Choi Kang Hee, kurasa Joo Won lebih cocok menjadi adik atau malah keponakan Choi Kang Hee dan bukan kekasihnya hehehe =) Mianhe for Choi Kang Hee fans, kenyataannya Kang Hee lebih tua 10 tahun kan dari Joo Won ?? Kalau yang muda begitu banyak, kenapa harus memilih Noon-Noona ?? MAAF SEKALI LAGI untuk Choi Kang Hee Fans.. PEACE !!!

Tapi sebagai fans, ada baiknya kita harus melihat dari berbagai sisi, benarkan ?? MEREKA HANYA TEMAN BAIK dan hubungan mereka TAK LEBIH dari sekedar KAKAK-ADIK alias Noona-Dongsaeng,, amen...Kurasa Joo Won berkata seperti itu karena dia lelah digantung Uee atau mungkin dia melihat sosok seorang Kakak yang sangat perhatian pada diri Kang Hee *semoga* Be Positif !!! Dan senang sekali rasanya saat mengetahui bahwa Choi Kang Hee sendiri sekarang telah memiliki kekasih, kuharap Choi Kang Hee dan Kekasihnya bisa cepat menikah, punya anak yang banyak dan MENJAUH DARI KEHIDUPAN JOO WON SELAMANYA, amen... wkwkwkwk,,

Indonesia Translation :
Well, aku sangat yakin bahwa bagi mereka yang menyukai Drama Korea, 
Tentu sangat familiar dengan judul drama yang dibintangi Joo Won yaitu.. 
“7th Grade Civil Servant”.. Pernah mendengarnya ?? Atau mungkin tidak pernah ?? 
Tidak masalah karena sekarang kita tidak sedang membicarakan dramanya tetapi, 
Kita disini untuk membahas tentang 2 artis utamanya, yaitu Joo Won dan Choi Kang Hee. 

Sepertinya selama syuting atau latihan,   
Mereka menjadi sangat dekat dan nyaman satu sama lain, 
Tapi seiring dengan rumor yang semakin kencang berhembus (SAAT ITU),  
Rumor mengatakan bahwa hubungan mereka lebih dari sekedar 
Hubungan pertemanan biasa atau hubungan Kakak-Adik 

Rumor itu berkembang karena Choi Kang Hee selalu menyebut nama Joo Won,   
Dalam setiap interview (walau saya berpendapat itu hanya untuk mempromosikan drama mereka) 
Kang Hee juga selalu ditanya dalam setiap kesempatan disetiap interviewnya, 
Apakah benar dia berkencan dengan Joo Won ?? 
Tentu saja, Kang Hee SELALU MENYANGKAL hal ini. 

Joo Won selalu menempel padanya kapanpun mereka bersama,   
Mungkin karena Joo Won merasa nyaman bersamanya (Tapi nyaman bukan berarti CINTA kan ??) 
Dan Joo Won pun pernah menyebut bahwa Choi Kang Hee adalah Partner terbaiknya dalam drama (Wajar sajalah, kan Choi Kang Hee LEBIH LAMA MALANG MELINTANG di dunia perfilman daripada Uee atau yang lainnya yang masih pendatang baru.. Be Positif..) 
Cara Joo Won bicara tentang Kang Hee menunjukkan kesan seperti dia menyukainya
(Kalaupun iya, kurasa itu HANYA EMOSI SESAAT !!!) 
Tapi tentu saja, apakah itu mungkin terjadi ?? Mungkinkah itu ?? 

Tapi TENTU SAJA TIDAK !!! Choi Kang Hee sendiri sudah mengkonfirmasinya 
(elus-elus dada lega.. Masih berharap Tuhan akan berbaik hati membuatnya bertemu kembali dengan Uee, amen..)   
Kang Hee berkata dalam interviewnya bahwa Joo Won memiliki KEBIASAAN ANEH, 
Yaitu dia suka sekali menyentuh alias pegang-pegang orang lain. Ya, Joo Won sering melakukannya. 

Dan sekarang aku disini sedang merayakan kebahagiaan karena Kang Hee berkata, 
Bahwa Joo Won suka sekali menyentuhnya alias pegang-pegang gitu deh. 
Joo Won selalu menyandarkan kepalanya padanya atau menarik tangannya atau, 
Memanggilnya “Noona” tiba-tiba. 
Mengetahui kebiasaan aneh Joo Won itu, maka BILA Joo Won MEMANG BENAR 
Maka Joo Won TAKKAN PERNAH MENYENTUHNYA Karena dia akan merasa malu. 
Berarti Joo Won GAK SUKA ma Kang Hee seperti kekasih, melainkan hanya kakak saja.. 

Tapi tetap saja, Joo Won sangat dekat dengan Kang Hee..   
Dan Kang Hee-pun sepertinya selalu  mengawasi Joo Won atau selalu berada di dekatnya saat mereka bersama. SELALU.. 
(Untunglah sekarang TIDAK LAGI.. Kan Kang Hee Unnie da punya pacar sendiri.. Daripada ngurusin orang lain, ngurusin pacarmu aja deh Unnie.. SEMOGA KAU BAHAGIA DENGAN PACARMU YANG SEKARANG DAN KALIAN AKAN SEGERA MENIKAH !!! Sudah cukup umur untuk menikah kan ?? Tunggu apalagi ?? Kamu gak suka Joo Won kan ?? *dorong Choi Kang Hee MENJAUH DARI JOO WON* ) 
Kang Hee bahkan bercanda pada Lawan main Joo Won di “Ghost” Musical, 
Bahwa dia akan selalu mengawasi mereka.. 

JANGAN SALAH PAHAM !!! Bukannya aku Tidak suka Choi Kang Hee,   
Hanya saja, menurutku Kang Hee LEBIH PANTAS BERPACARAN dengan PRIA YANG SEUMURAN DENGANNYA dan BUKAN dengan DAUN MUDA seperti Joo Won.. 
Dan walaupun dia MENYANGKAL RUMOR ini dan berkata bahwa, 
Tapi Kang Hee terlihat seperti dia sengaja memberikan sinyal dan tanda-tanda, 
Yang membuat Joo Won berpikir bahwa dia menyukai Joo Won,  
Dan dia juga tertarik pada Joo Won. 
( Ni TANTE kok kayaknya Munafik banget ya ?? Katanya Gak mau pacaran ma aktor, tapi di deketin Joo Won mau-mau aja ?? Malah ngasih sinyal kayak orang suka lagi.. di tambah dia sendiri juga main deket-deketan aja ma Joo Won ckckkck,, Muna.com ni Tante satu *geleng-geleng kepala heran*)
Dan apakah ini hanya ketidaksengajaan semata ?? Benarkan ?? 

Ya, mungkin dalam drama mereka terlihat sangat manis 
Aku hanya mengatakannya dari photos yang kulihat (Sama donk, aku juga gak mau liat Joo Won bareng Kang Hee, SEBEL jadinya ) 
Dan aku tidak melihat dramanya 

Tapi diluar drama, mereka berdua sama sekali TIDAK COCOK !!  
Ada perbedaan yang SANGAT BESAR antara Drama dan Kenyataan yang harus kita ketahui. 
Perbedaan itu.. rasanya SANGAT TIDAK MUNGKIN bagi mereka untuk menjalin hubungan dari drama dan meneruskannya di dunia nyata. 
Tidak saudara-saudara !! TIDAK MUNGKIN !!! 

Ditambah lagi kehadiran Kang Hee dalam Variety Show “1 Nights 2 Days”.  
Hanya bisa menarik napas melihatnya. 
Ini sangat menyebalkan !! Setidaknya bagiku.. 
(jeongmal ?? Untung aja aku belum liat tu reality show.. Gak jadi nonton deh kalau ada Kang Hee yang nyebelin muncul.. Uee aja gak diundang.. I’m on UEE’s SIDE !!!) 
Joo Won selalu menghabiskan waktu bersamanya, 
Sampai dia terlihat seperti menjauhkan dirinya dari Hyung-nya. 
Apa kalian tau betapa menyakitkan melihat hal itu ?? 
(Kalau kamu aja sakit hati, apalagi aku ya.. Untung gak liat.. ogah deh.. Bagiku cukup Ojakgyo Brothers aja hehehe =) yang lain aku GAK MAU !!!)  

Aku tak tau apakah Joo Won yang mengundangnya sebagai bintang tamu, 
Dan aku tau bahwa Joo Won khawatir bahwa Kang Hee tidak bisa menyesuaikan diri (Tapi ini SUNGGUH LUCU !! CHOI KANG HEE SUDAH TUA !!! DIA GAK PERLU DI JAGA SEPERTI BAYI !!! MAKIN GAK SUKA MA NI TANTE GIRANG !!! GAK USAH MANJA GITU LAH !!!) 
Tapi seharusnya Joo Won tak melakukan sesuatu seperti ini.

Khususnya di reality show seperti ini 
(Makanya Uee seperti ingin “MEMBALAS” dengan deket-deketan terus ma Hyun Joong di Barefoot Friends dan bahkan berkata bahwa Hyun Joong adalah tipe pria idealnya.. Mau balas dendam ya Uee ?? Aku mendukungmu  deh hehehe =) 
Sikap Joo Won hanya membuat orang lain kesal, 
Dan semua mengeluh dan protes tentang sikapnya yang berlebihan seperti itu. 
Itu hanya akan membuat situasi semakin  buruk. 
Dan aku menangis sepanjang episode itu 
(Jeongmal ?? Benar-benar gak jadi liat deh gue hehehe =)

Aku hanya berharap bahwa rumor ini akan segera mereda 
(Tenang aja.. Uda berakhir kok..)
Choi Kang Hee kan uda punya pacar dan mereka akan SEGERA MENIKAH, SEMOGA !!!) 
Aku juga berharap bahwa Joo Won dan Kang Hee akan menyadari, 
Bahwa yang terjadi diantara mereka, 
Aku sungguh berdoa bahwa TAK ADA YANG LEBIH DARI ITU !!! AMEN.. 
(Dont Worry, I’m UR SIDE vampieloveblood.blogspot.com.. Aku juga akan berdoa agar Choi Kang Hee SEGERA MENIKAH DAN MENJAUH DARI JOO WON SELAMANYA, AMEN... )

Joo Won Oppa, 
Apapun yang terjadi diantara kalian, pastikan itu HANYA PERSAHABATAN, okay ?? 
Kau boleh saja berkencan dengan Uee, Eugene atau Jin Seo Yeon kapanpun.. (KHUSUSNYA UEE.. AKU 501 % MENDUKUNGMU !!!! TAPI TIDAK DENGAN CHOI KANG HEE !!! ) 
Tapi jangan membuktikan bahwa rumor itu benar, bisakan ?? 
Dan kumohon SANGKAL LAH RUMOR ini 
Oppa Fighting !!!

English Translation :
Well I am pretty sure most of those who like Korean dramas, 
Are familiar with the name of a new drama Joo Won stars, 
"7th Grade Civil Servant"? Familiar? Not familiar? Anyways...
We are not here to talk about the drama but instead we, 
Are to talk about Choi Kang Hee and Joo Won. 

It seems that throughout the drama shoot or rehearsals, 
They have gotten very close and comfortable together. 
But as rumors have been spreading around, it seems that
This close relationship has gotten more than just a, 
Normal friendship or a noona-dongsaeng friendship.

Rumours are that Choi Kang Hee have always been, 
Bringing up Joo Won in any of her interviews and, 
She also has been asked in many interviews she's in, 
Whether she were to start a relationship with him.
Of course, she would deny all of this or give excuses.

Joo Won too has always been sticking to her when they,
Are together. Probably because his comfortable with her.
And he mentions that she is his very own best co-star.
The way he talks about her seems like he likes her . 
But of course, that would not be possible. WOULD IT?!

Well of course not. This has been confirmed by her herself.
She said in an interview that Joo Won has this weird habit,
Of being so fond of touching people. Yes, he do that a lot!
But she also mentioned that Joo Won would not touch, 
A girl if he has a crush on her due to embarrassment. 

And now here I am celebrating because Kang Hee mentioned, 
That Joo Won touches her a lot too. He always leans on her, 
Or pulls her arms or calls her noona out of the sudden. 
Knowing Joo Won's habit, if he did like her he would not have, 
Touched her as I mentioned before. SO CELEBRATION. 

BUT STILL. Joo Won is extremely fond of Kang Hee. 
And Kang Hee seems to always eye him or stick, 
Around him whenever they're together. ALWAYS. 
She even joked about having to hand over Joo Won, 
To his new co-stars in his new musical act, "Ghost."

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I dislike Kang Hee. 
But though she denies this rumours and says she, 
Won't date an actor, she seems to giving this vibes. 
The vibes that show she has interest in Joo Won. 
And this is just plain wrong. Isn't it?

They have a huge age gap between them first of all. 
And I don't really see them as a compatible pair. 
Yes, they seemed like a cute pair in the drama, 
"7th Grade Civil Servant." I judge by the pictures. 
I haven't watched the drama though. 

But out of the drama, they both don't seem right. 
There's a huge difference between dramas and , 
Reality as all of you should know. The differences.
It can't be possible to bring a relationship from, 
A drama to a live outside relationship. No man, no.

Adding on to this would be her appearance on, 
The variety show "2 Days 1 Night". Sigh, this...
It was horrible, no offence. It really was to me. 
Joo Won always spent time with her that he, 
Actually distant himself from his hyungs. Sigh.

Do you know how painful it is to see that?
I do know that he invited her as a guest, 
And I do know his worried that she might, 
Not have the capability to adapt around. 
But he should not do something like this. 

Especially not on a variety live show like this. 
It just made people to be so upset and they,
Complained about the way he act in that episode.
It is just plain upsetting to see things like this.
I even cried throughout the episode. Literally.

I just hope the rumours quiet down after a while.
I also hope Joo Won and Kang Hee would ensure, 
That all they have between each other is just a, 
Normal close friendship and nothing more to that.
I really pray there's nothing more to that.

Joo Won oppa~ 
Whatever it is, make sure it is just friendship okayy?
You can date Uee, Eugene or Se Yeon anytime.
But please don't prove the rumours right would you?
And please do deny this rumours! I hope it's untrue
OPPA FIGHTING! *\(^.^)/* 

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