Sabtu, 02 November 2013

(Full Translation) SS501 Talk @ Heo Young Saeng “My Story 0513” Concert, 26.10.2013

I’ve found this full translation from SS501 talk at Heo Young Saeng’s “My Story 0513” Concert but I forgot to repost this on my blog hehehe ^^ Mianhe, Triple S *bow* For Indonesia’s Triple S, I will try to translate in Indonesia Language for you.. Happy reading and enjoy the most memorable moment from our 5 wonderful day..

“(Full Translation) SS501 Talk @ Heo Young Saeng “My Story 0513” Concert, 26.10.2013”

 Photo Credit : Sweety


Jung Min : 
Let's greet everyone together 
( Mari kita sapa semua orang..) 

Young Saeng : 
Go ahead , Leader 
(Silakan, Leader..) 

Hyun Joong Leader : 
Hello everyone 
( Hallo semuanya..)

We're SS501 
( Kami adalah SS501..) 

Jung Min : 
It's been really long time . Let's take turn introducing ourselves. 
( Rasanya sudah lama sekali.. Ijinkan kami untuk memperkenalkan diri sekali lagi ) 

Hyung Jun Baby : 
Let's start from your side (referring to JM's side) 
( Kita mulai darimu saja *sambil menunjuk kearah Jung Min) 

Jung Min : 
I've always accepted this type of arrangement.. Hi everyone.. it's been really long time since five of us stand together on stage infront of all of you.. I'm Sexy Charisma Park Jung Min. 
( Aku selalu mendapat kehormatan seperti ini.. Hallo semuanya, rasanya sudah lama sekali sejak kami terakhir kali berdiri diatas panggung bersama dihadapan kalian semua.. Aku Sexy Charisma, Park Jung Min ) 

Kyu Jong : 
Hi everyone! Long time no see.. I'm the forever center of SS501 Kyu Jong..I'm really happy to see you all... 
( Hallo semuanya.. Lama tak jumpa. Aku SS501’s Center, Kim Kyu Jong.. Senang sekali bertemu kalian lagi ) 

Young Saeng : 
uh.. Hi I'm SS501's little prince , Heo Young Saeng 
( uhh,, Hallo, Aku SS501’s Little Prince, Heo Young Saeng ) 

Hyung Jun Baby : 
Hello eveyone, I'm SS501's magnae Kim Hyung Jun.. really happy to see you . 
( Hallo semuanya.. Aku Maknae SS501, Kim Hyung Jun. Sangat senang bertemu dengan kalian semua ) 

Hyun Joong Leader : 
Hello everyone. I'm SS501's Leader, Kim Hyun Joong, really happy to see you. 
( Hallo semuanya.. Aku Leader SS501, Kim Hyun Joong. Sangat senang bertemu dengan kalian semua )

Young Saeng : 
Kyu Jong, can you sing? Is there still a lot of time left? (referring to the military service) 
( Kyu Jong, apa kau di ijinkan untuk bernyanyi ?? Bukankah masih lama waktu yang tersisa sampai kau keluar dari Wajib Militer ?? ) 

Kyu Jong : 
Yes, Not using mic anymore.. The fact is, I'd really wanted to stand together with all of you on stage, but because i'm still in the military duties, I can't sing,.. but not singing isn't good.. after much thoughts. I'd decided to come and meet everyone.. 
( Ya..Aku sudah lama tidak memakai mikrofon. Kenyataannya adalah, aku sangat ingin berdiri bersama kalian semua diatas panggung, tapi karena aku masih terikat Wajib Militer, aku tidak bisa *mungkin lebih tepat jika “TIDAK BOLEH”* bernyanyi.. Tapi tidak ikut menyanyi bukanlah keputusan yang baik, setelah banyak berpikir, aku memutuskan untuk naik keatas panggung dan memberi salam pada kalian semua ) 

Fans : 
it's okay 
( Tidak apa-apa..) 

Young Saeng : 
With all the members schedules so tight and still being able to come, I'm really thankful.. Really , really thankful.. Then, the time with the members shall end here... 
( Semua member memiliki jadwal yang sangat sibuk tapi masih menyempatkan diri untuk datang kemari. Aku sungguh berterima kasih. Sungguh. Benar-benar berterima Kasih.. Maka, kebersamaan semua member harus diakhiri sampai disini )

Hyung Jun Baby : 
You took so much effort to ask us to come here, how can we end it so easily? Really... 
( Kau sudah berusaha keras agar kami semua bisa hadir disini, dan sekarang kau ingin semuanya berakhir dengan begitu mudah ?? *mungkin lebih tepat jika “begitu cepat”* )

Jung Min : 
Putting it that way is a bit... but I've prepared the stage for URMan.. But Young Saeng wanted us to come out at a time, he had planned that type of concept.. but ending it like this is a bit sad... why don't we do something ? 
( Lupakan sejenak masalah itu.. Tapi aku sudah menyiapkan diri untuk menampilkan UR Man.. Tapi Young Saeng ingin kami muncul jika saatnya tiba, sepertinya dia sudah merencanakan sesuatu, tapi mengakhiri pertemuan seperti ini rasanya sedikit sedih, kenapa kita tidak lakukan sesuatu ?? ) 

Young Saeng : 
Like what? 
( Sesuatu seperti apa ??) 

Jung Min : 
Ending this abruptly is sad, isn't it? 
( Mengakhirinya seperti ini rasanya sangat sedih kan ?? ) 

Hyun Joong Leader : 
well, we defitenitely didn't rehease this... didn't we sing 'In the Still of the Night before? Will be able to do an impromptu performance for this song.. Can we? 
( Well, kami sebenarnya tidak pernah latihan ini.. Bukankah sebelumnya kita pernah menyanyikan “In The Still Of The Night” ?? Apakah kita bisa menyanyikan lagu ini sekarang ?? Bisakah ?? ) 

Hyung Jun Baby : 
I've found that key.. 
( Aku tau maksudnya..) 

Hyun Joong Leader : 
We have no choice, even if we can't... 
( Kita tak punya pilihan, bahkan bila kita tidak bisa..) 

Jung Min : 
Can we? Can we? hold on a second... 
( Bisakah kita ?? Bisakah kita ?? Tunggu sebentar..) 

Oppa.. what are you doing? 
( Oppa, apa yang kau lakukan ?? ) 

(while singing, someone realized the lead singer had forgotten the words of the song..) 
( Saat bernyanyi, seseorang menyadari bahwa Lead Singer mendadak lupa liriknya lagunya..) 

NB : Bukankah Lead Singernya Young Saeng ?? Kok jadi Kyu Jong ?? Salah translate mungkin hehehe ^.^ 


Hyung Jun Baby : 
Because he's too nervous (it's been long since KJ sings) 
( Karena dia terlalu gugup / Sudah lama Kyu Jong tidak bernyanyi ) 

Kyu Jong : 
It's really like this ... Can you hear my heartbeat... it really is... a long time has
( Memang seperti itu.. Apa kalian bisa mendengar detak jantungku ?? Memang seperti itu, sudah lama sekali waktu berlalu..) 
Hyung Jun Baby : 
( Tentu..) 

Young Saeng : 
If it was just me singing... haha 
( Kalau saja hanya aku yang bernyanyi hahaha ^.^ ) 

It's alright... it's alright... 
( Tidak apa-apa… Tidak apa-apa ) 

Kyu Jong : 
You guys can understand right ? This song should be from 2005.. 
( Kalian bisa mengerti kan ?? Lagu ini seharusnya sejak tahun 2005 ) 

Hyun Joong Leader : 
It's winter of 2004 
( Musim dingin 2004 )

NB : Leader mengkoreksi hehehe ^.^ 

Hyung Jun Baby : 
in the rehearsal room 
( Di ruang latihan )

Kyu Jong : 
we were together in the rehearsal room, playing piano, seriously playing... time flies... can't believe we're already this age... have to do our military duties.. 
( Kami bersama diruang latihan, bermain piano, benar-benar bermain.. Waktu berlalu cepat.. Rasanya tidak percaya kami sudah setua ini.. Harus menjalani Wajib Militer ) 

Hyun Joong Leader : 
Are you the one going? Why are you crying? Are you crying because you still have a lot of time left to serve? Shouldn't YS be the one crying? Why are you crying ??
( Apa kau yang akan pergi Wajib Militer ?? Kenapa kau yang menangis ?? Apa kau menangis karena kau masih lama berada di Camp Militer ?? Bukankah seharusnya Young Saeng-lah yang menangis ?? Kenapa malah kau yang menangis ?? ) 

Jung Min : 
I know YS isn't crying because he doesn't understand the situation . KJ is in midst of his enlistment, that's why he's crying... hahahaha -- KJ will have to continue doing his military duties.. Hope everyone will give him lots of support. I will also say something to YS, first of, your health is pretty good... a lot of things will happen in the military, it'd be good if you can take some things away from that experience and conquer it easily.. 
( Aku tau Young Saeng tidak menangis karena dia tidak tau situasi di Camp Militer.. Kyu Jong yang sekarang sedang berada di tengah-tengah pelatihannya, itu sebabnya dia menangis hahaha ^.^ Kyu Jong akan tetap melanjutkan pelatihan Militernya, harap semua orang akan memberinya banyak dukungan. Aku juga akan mengatakan sesuatu pada Young Saeng lebih dulu. Pertama-tama, jagalah kesehatanmu, banyak hal yang akan terjadi di Camp Militer, mungkin akan lebih baik jika kau berjaga-jaga dan belajar dari pengalaman agar kau bisa mengatasinya dengan mudah ) 

Cut you hair!!! 
( Potong rambutmu !!! )

(JM acts as if he didn't know what the fans has said)  
(Jung Min berpura-pura tidak mendengar apa yang dikatakan Fans ) 

Hyung Jun Baby : 
(they) told you to cut your hair!!! 
( Mereka ingin kau memotong rambutmu !!! )  

Jung Min : 
During rehearsal. Hyung Jun told me "I'm Goo Jun Pyo" 
( Saat latihan, Hyung Jun bilang aku seperti Gu Jun Pyo ) 

Hyung Jun Baby : 
Go to Taiwan 
( Pergilah ke Taiwan ) 

Jung Min : 
I'm surprise.. it's okay if I'm Goo Jun Pyo, Mal is okay... we have dog (HJL), turtle (HJB).. all are here 
( Aku sangat terkejut. Apa tidak apa-apa jika aku menjadi Gu Jun Pyo, Mal tidak masalah.. Kita sudah punya anjing, kura-kura, semuanya ada disini.. )  

Kyu Jong :   
Other than saying SS501 mansae together. Let's say HYS Mansae
( Daripada mengatakan SS501 Mansae bersama, mari kita katakan “Heo Young Saeng Mansae” )  

Jung Min : 
It'd be regrettable if we don't say SS501 Mansae.. HYS Mansae... 
( Akan sngat menyesal bila kita tidak mengatakan SS501 MAnsae..Heo Young Saeng Mansae ) 

1-2-3 SS501 Mansae, HYS Mansae 
( 1-2-3.. SS501 Mansae, Heo Young Saeng Mansae ) 

Hyun Joong Leader : 
today, we've come to this point.. this is... 
( Hari ini, kami semua berkumpul disini.. Kami adalah..) 

Group : SS501
Here's another translation: 

*this is translated from Chinese trans which is translated by ALLPJM

PJM: Everyone Let's give our greetings

HYS: Leader

HJL: Hi Everyone 

501: We are SS501

PJM: it has really been a long time, let's start off with our members' introduction

HJB: Let's start with you...

PJM: I'm always under this kind of arrangement....Hi everyone, it has been really long time the 5 of us stood on stage to meet everyone.. am Sexy Charisma Park Jung Min..^^ 

KKJ: Hi everyone, long time no meet... I am the one doing my national service at JeongJu, eternal center of SS501, nice to meet everyone here..
HYS: Yes, responsibilities coming out...
Hi everyone, I'm SS501's little prince Heo Young Saeng 

HJB: Hi everyone. I am SS501's... eehh.. maknae Kim Hyung Jun, nice to meet everyone

HJL: Hi everyone, I'm SS501 Leader Kim Hyun Joong, nice to meet everyone

HYS: can Kyu sing now? How much time left?

KKJ: Yes, Not using mic anymore.. Actually I really wanted to stand with you guys but I am still doing my national services, so I can't sing .. but if that's the case (not singing) it doesn't seem right. With such thoughts,I came up to meet you guys..

Triple S: it's okay....

HYS: With all the members schedules so tight and still being able to come, I'm really thankful.. Really , really thankful.. Then, the time with the members shall end here...

HJB: Took so much effort to ask us to come here, how can we end it so easily? Really....

*Sorry, Really wanted to translate everything but I still have some work to do.. Shall continue tomorrow with regards to how " In the still of the night came about* 

source from Chinese Translations of ALLPJM
1st translations: credit to Cheezeemelt501
2nd translations by drunkenluv

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